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Consortium Key
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Consortium Key

*1470 Keys are reserved by Deployer purchasable through approved applications only* The Consortium Key utility pass provides holders with proprietary alert systems, exclusive data, and robust toolsets to help execute the most informed and profitable trades. The Key keeps you plugged into the market's behavior while giving you tools to take advantage of the opportunities that the Key presents. Features Include: Curated Wallet Tracking Alert System: custom database of hundreds of wallets, providing organized and curated tracking alerts separated by transaction type. Professional Tools: Minting and Token Sniping Bots built right into our Discord server. Can even bot mints right from your phone! Analysis: Professional analysis on NFTs, crypto, micro and macro market movements and more. Twitter Alerts: track what projects people follow in real time, and utilize a feed of the most useful twitter posts.

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Key Insights
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